The marriage vows may read “in sickness and in health,” but when one spouse requires more care than the other, that’s not always possible.
When you’re a caregiver to your spouse, you may feel obligated to be your spouse’s primary caregiver for life, but sometimes it’s in your spouse’s best interest to give them the professional medical care they deserve. The choice to move your loved one into assisted living can be a confusing and difficult process. At Burton Court at Blakeford, we’ve helped numerous seniors help move their spouse into our Nashville assisted living community, so below we’ve included a couple things we’ve learned along the way.
Signs It’s Time To Move Your Spouse into Assisted Living
How do you know it’s time to move your spouse out of your home and into an assisted living community?
Here are three common signs to look for…
You’re Burnt Out
Caregiving is no joke. Any caregiver knows the toll this full-time job can take on your body and spirit. Spending all your energy to care for another can affect your emotional and physical health. You may feel isolated socially, or you may be neglecting your own medical care for your spouse’s – neither is ideal. If caring for your spouse is no longer something you can handle, it’s time to consider upgrading their care.
Your Spouse Requires Care You Can’t Provide
You do the best you can as a caregiver, but you’re not a trained professional. There may come a time when your husband or wife may need more care than you can give him, and that’s okay! Think of this as not a lost opportunity, but a chance to finally get your loved one the medical care they deserve.
Homecare is Not Enough
Often times, one of the first steps spouses take to getting professional senior care for their spouse is home care. Typically the least disruptive option for a couple, in-home care is where professional caregivers help with day-to-day needs like chores, medication reminders, and transportation to appointments, but it’s not always the best option. If your home is becoming unsafe for your spouse in regards to layout or lack of equipment, or your spouse requires greater medical care that home care can’t provide, it may be time to consider relocating them for their care.
How To Make Your Spouse’s Transition into Assisted Living A Smooth One
Once you’ve decided it’s time to move your spouse into an Assisted Living community, now comes the time to make that transition as easy as it can be for them (and you!). Here are a few items to keep in mind:
Make Their New Apartment a Home
Moving into a new living space can be overwhelming for any circumstances, especially when you don’t have the comforts of home. Before your loved one moves into their new apartment in Assisted Living, decorate it with familiar pieces and mementos from home to bring warmth and comfort. Family photos or a favorite decorate heirloom can make a big impact in the transition.
Visit Often, But Allow Them Room to Grow
Just because your spouse is in an Assisted Living community doesn’t mean you can’t visit them regularly, and in fact, it’s encouraged. Especially in the first few weeks, frequent visits can help your spouse feel calmer and more at ease about the move. However, it’s important you allow your spouse time to acclimate themselves to the Assisted Living community through daily events and activities that are beneficial to their physical, emotional, and social health.
Let Yourself Relax
When you’re no longer the primary caregiver, you may have feelings of guilt or sadness, which are perfectly normal, but don’t dwell on them. This transition is your time to relax and enjoy your spouse without the burden of making sure they’re safe. In fact, after moving their husband or wife into Assisted Living, many spouses feel they’ve reclaimed their role as a partner again and have more time and energy to enjoy the one-on-one time with their spouse.
Looking for an Assisted Living Community For Your Spouse in the Nashville Area?
Making the decision to move a spouse into an assisted living community is never an easy one. If you think you make a change in your spouse’s care, we can help. Our senior health specialists are here to answer your questions on Assisted Living and other types of senior lifestyle solutions Blakeford offers. Simply fill out our online contact form or call (615) 665-2522 to get started today.