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Anyone who has ever gone through the moving process understands how overwhelming it can be. Even more so as a senior moving to a senior living community. With so many things to wrap up and to remember to pack, it can be a stressful time. To help make the process easier, we have a senior moving checklist to keep you on track and, hopefully, keep you stress-free.
☐ Check accessibility of community, arrange for necessary accommodations
☐ Gather moving quotes
☐ Enlist family members to help pack and sort
☐ Determine furniture moves ahead, sell those that can’t make trip (measure)
☐ Confirm the community that all pre-move paperwork is complete
☐ Arrange hotel accommodations, car rental, airline reservations or temporary housing, if necessary.
☐ Select a moving company. Confirm the date, the price, and other moving details.
☐ Make a list of relatives, friends, and other people who need to know about your move.
☐ Contact your bank to order new checks with your new address.
☐ Check on prescriptions
☐ Have a garage sale and donate quality items, throw junk out
☐ Begin packing nonessential items
☐ Schedule to have utilities disconnected at the old residence
- Gas
- Electric
- Water
- Phone/internet/cable
- Garbage
☐ Change of Address Notifications
- Post Office
- Accountant/CPA; Attorney
- Banks
- Cell phone provider
- Internet provider
- Newspaper & magazines
- Doctors
- Charities & professional organizations
- Department of Motor Vehicles
- Internal Revenue Service
- Social Security Office
- Insurance providers
- Pharmacy
- Family members and friends
☐ Contact the moving company and reconfirm your dates.
☐ Continue packing. Make sure to label each box and keep an inventory.
☐ Fill any prescriptions or medications, if necessary.
☐ Plan meals for the whole week so you can start emptying your refrigerator.
☐ Make arrangements with a cleaning service to clean your old home, if necessary.
☐ Finish packing.
☐ Consider a storage unit if you still have many belongings to bring
☐ Pack your overnight case.
☐ Check all cabinets, drawers, and closets to make sure you packed everything.
☐ Set aside boxes, tape, scissors, markers, etc. for last minute packing.
☐ Empty, clean, and defrost your refrigerator and freezer.
☐ Do not make any plans for the day other than your move.
☐ Verify the delivery address and directions are correct with your moving company.
☐ Carry all valuable items yourself such as important documents, jewelry, etc.
☐ Before leaving the house, make sure to check the entire house to be certain you don’t forget anything.
☐ If the house will be vacant, contact your insurance agent and the police department so they know the house will be empty.
Have questions about senior living options? Find out more about them as you begin your decision-making process.