When a parent or older loved one enters Blakeford’s Assisted Living for the first time, they are often surprised by the amount of free time they now have in their schedule. We like to encourage residents to use this time to pursue interests and hobbies they didn’t have time to before, and for good reason–hobbies have been found to keep senior minds engaged, encourage movement, and even allow for more social interaction!
Depending on your loved one’s health, however, limited mobility may restrict them from partaking in physically taxing hobbies like golf or swimming. But there are several hobbies all seniors can enjoy–we’ve listed our top seven below!
7 Activities for Seniors in Assisted Living Communities
The next time you’re visiting your loved one in an assisted living community, try encouraging them to try out one of these hobbies.
Most senior living facilities have a community garden where residents can flex their green thumb and make magic grow. In addition to physical activity and the chance to get outside, gardening also brings residents a sense of accomplishment when they see their plant flourishing as a result of their hard work. If your loved one has physical limitations that make gardening difficult, simply potting succulents and other indoor plants that they can keep around their room and tend to can bring them joy.
Knitting is not only a favorite pastime of most senior women; it’s also a great mind workout! Whether it’s knitting simple projects like scarves and blankets or sentimental gifts for grandchildren, knitting encourages the use of motor skills in addition to being relaxing. Also, knitting can be done solo or in company. Check to see if you’re assisted living facility has a knitting circle where your loved one can bond with residents who share their interest.
Everyone has a life story, but not everyone gets a chance to write theirs down. Encouraging your loved one to document their life is a fulfilling and therapeutic hobby that can do anywhere. If your loved one is stuck on what to write about, try writing a list of writing prompts for them to use to get their memories rolling, like “Tell me everything you remember about your wedding day,” “Describe your childhood home and the neighbors on your street,” or “What was it like the day I was born?” These written accounts are great gifts to copy and share amongst children and grandchildren over the holidays.
Like writing, scrapbooking is a great way to take a trip down memory lane and spark memories. Gather up old and current photos of loved ones with some craft supplies and let your loved one compile them into a one-of-a-kind book. If your loved one doesn’t have the dexterity for physical scrapbooking, there are great virtual scrapbooking apps that can be used on a tablet or touch screen computer–you can even send your completed scrapbook file to be printed into a book!
Bridge, Go Fish, Crazy Eights, Gin Rummy, and more card games are excellent ways for seniors to keep their minds sharp. Research shows that critical thinking done while playing cards can decrease a senior’s risk of cognitive decline. Cards also have social benefits, as most card games require more than one player.
Any form of art, like painting, is an excellent tool for seniors to flex their creativity. Whether your loved one has had some artistic training in the past, or their picking up the brush for the first time, they’ll have fun expressing themselves through painting. Abstract paintings are more popular with seniors as they require less finesse than portraits or landscapes, but they’re equally as beautiful and fun to paint. And when they’re done, your loved one can display their work in their living space for a sense of accomplishment!
Attending On-Campus Events
Social interaction is a key contribution to the health of your loved one. In addition to combating senior isolation and loneliness, visiting with friends and attending events with other residents has been found to decrease depression, high blood pressure, and mental decline. That’s why at Burton Court, we hold several events throughout the day to entertain our residents and get them out of their rooms and socializing! For more information on our assisted living events, check out our event calendar.
Enjoy All Your Hobbies At Burton Court at Blakeford
At Burton Court at Blakeford, we believe in creating a supportive lifestyle in a comfortable, assisted living setting with a variety of activities, amenities, and social events for our residents to enjoy. If you or a loved one are looking to transition into an assisted living community in the Nashville, Tennessee area, contact our senior living specialists to learn more!